Balanced Mind Is Advanced Mind

SPIRITUAL BEGINNINGS ARE SO EXCITING! Before you entered the path toward opening your mind, you had a blind spot your whole life, blind to clearer understanding and self awareness. When you begin your search into clarity, spirituality, wisdom, self-awareness, you experience new understandings that feel special, they taste like chocolate…

True Serenity

THE OUTER LIFE WILL HOUND YOU IN SOME WAY You know that old spiritual cliche… meditating alone in the mountains, in a cave, something like that? I have done it. Not a cave, but alone in the mountains. Finding a place in the forest or mountains, to sit and meditate,…

Clarity Is Home

SEEKING YOUR CLEAR PATHWAY Each and every thing is looking for its own unobstructed pathway, the path that allows it to ‘be’. If you toss a ball down a hill, the ball will follow this most basic of the primal laws of the universe: it will try to keep doing…

Go Openly Into The New

LOGGER AND ENVIRONMENTALIST A friend of mine worked for a logging company. His job was to fly or drive to prospective areas that hadn’t been logged yet, determine if and how they could be logged, what impact logging would have on that environment, to that area’s wildlife, plant life, beauty,…

Exit Your Drifting Mind

MY FIRST ‘AHA’ MOMENT WITH MIND-DRIFT I was sitting in a coffee shop visiting with my Dad. He was doing most of the talking. My head began to feel full, tight, I was losing track of exactly what he was talking about. Was it me, was my brain the problem,…

Be Clear Within The Unclear

I was working security – polite-speak for ‘bouncer’ – on New Year’s Eve, years ago. It was a bash at a large four-venue plaza in the downtown of a large city a few hours’ travel from my own city. I worked part time for this security firm and they didn’t…

Free Your Thinking

FREE YOUR THINKING Freedom of thought means more than simply being allowed by others to think what you want to think; it also – more importantly – means dissolving your own barriers to freely thinking whatever you want to think. THINKING CONUNDRUMS IN EVERYDAY LIFE This is the first ever…

Think Less, Experience More

BEING MOVING, RATHER THAN BEING SOMEWHERE I used to hitchhike a lot. Hitchhiking was my main – and preferred – mode of transportation, for many years. I stopped counting my hitchhiking miles at twenty thousand, back in 1996, though I kept hitching for years after that. I hitchhiked across Canada,…

Explode Your Constructed Ideas

YOU MISTAKENLY CONSTRUCT YOUR OWN SUFFERING I was driving a male friend of mine somewhere across town, and he was in quite ‘a state’, hardly able to talk about anything except what was consuming him: his girlfriend had just broken up with him. He’s a good-looking guy and girls had…

Spit The Hook

HOOKED, TRAPPED, SQUIRMING I was sitting in a coffee shop years ago, wanting solitude to think. Enjoying the view, sipping my tea. All of a sudden, this man I’d never seen before was hovering over me, leaning over the table into my face, saying, “So what do you think is…